af Kongruens | Arbejdsglæde, Ledelse, Mental sundhed, Samarbejdspartnere
”Tidligere generationer troede på, at de fik det bedre end forældrene. For første gang ser vi tegn på en håbløshed; en manglende tro på, at tingene vil blive bedre,” siger lektor, ph.d. Michael Nørager fra Institut for Forretningsudvikling og Teknologi på Aarhus Universitet. Kongruens har talt med ham som en del af vores serie om resonans, inspireret af den tyske sociolog og politolog Hartmut Rosa.
af Anette Raaby | English, Samarbejdspartnere, Systemisk coaching, Systemisk opstilling
Do you ever notice during a meeting that some of your colleagues actually don’t want to be there? It’s a starting point which asks a lot of energy of all the attendants. It’s what we would also call an energy leak, for everyone in the meeting. At that moment some...
af Anette Raaby | English, Opstillinger, Samarbejdspartnere
The family system also appears in organizations, and when we work in organizations, we often touch the personal level and may feel insecure of what to do. Obviously, the contract you made to work on organizational issues, has to be reviewed before you can work on...
af Anette Raaby | Anton de Kroon, English, Samarbejdspartnere, Systemisk coaching, Systemisk opstilling
Switching on a specially coloured spotlight, that is what a systemic coach can offer. It is the light in which you can see the meaning and value of an isolated issue in the bigger context. It enables a client to see, understand and appreciate his problem in a new way....
af Anette Raaby | Samarbejdspartnere, Uddannelse
Deltagerne på den igangværende uddannelse i organisationsopstilling blev på modul 2 undervist af portugisiske Cecilio Regojo, en af de førende kapaciteter indenfor organisationsopstilling. Cecilio er fra Portugal men bor i Bilbao, Spanien og rejser bogstaveligt talt...