af Anette Raaby | English, Workshops
The rules of a professional meeting are applied perfectly. Everybody nods in agreement. These are the agreements, and this is how we’re going to do it. The process that has led to this wonderful result has been meticulously prepared and executed. The objectives are...
af Anette Raaby | English, Samarbejdspartnere, Systemisk coaching, Systemisk opstilling
Do you ever notice during a meeting that some of your colleagues actually don’t want to be there? It’s a starting point which asks a lot of energy of all the attendants. It’s what we would also call an energy leak, for everyone in the meeting. At that moment some...
af Anette Raaby | Stress, Systemisk opstilling
“At klemme ballerne sammen og bare klø på” kan være en god kortvarig strategi for, at nå i mål med en opgave eller et projekt. Men ønsker vi at være langtidsholdbare, skal vi være opmærksomme på at skrue ned for tempoet, når deadline er nået for igen at...
af Anette Raaby | Systemisk opstilling, Uddannelse
Under første modul på grunduddannelsen i Systemisk opstilling arbejder vi med en øvelse, hvor vi tegner et organogram af en organisation. Det er en virkelig effektiv øvelse, der giver et præcist systemisk indblik i, hvor der er udfordringer i organisationen. Øvelsen...
af Anette Raaby | English, Opstillinger, Samarbejdspartnere
The family system also appears in organizations, and when we work in organizations, we often touch the personal level and may feel insecure of what to do. Obviously, the contract you made to work on organizational issues, has to be reviewed before you can work on...